2024 Real Estate Summit: Soaring to Success
How did we do?

How would you rate your overall experience at the Real Estate Summit event?

How would you rate your overall experience at the Real Estate Summit event?

How satisfied were you with the content presented?

How satisfied were you with the content presented?

How satisfied were you with the venue and logistics (e.g., location, seating, accessibility)?

How satisfied were you with the venue and logistics (e.g., location, seating, accessibility)?

How well organized was the event?

How well organized was the event?

How satisfied were you with the networking opportunities provided at the event?

How satisfied were you with the networking opportunities provided at the event?

How would you rate the value you received for the price of the event?

How would you rate the value you received for the price of the event?

How likely are you to attend the Real Estate Summit in the future?

How likely are you to attend the Real Estate Summit in the future?

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions?

Feedback on the sessions you attended

What session(s) did you attend?

What session(s) did you attend?

How satisfied were you with the content presented in your session(s)?

How satisfied were you with the content presented in your session(s)?

How would you rate the quality of the speakers/panelists in your session(s)?

How would you rate the quality of the speakers/panelists in your session(s)?

How relevant was the session content to your interests and professional needs?

How relevant was the session content to your interests and professional needs?

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions about the session(s) you attended?

Do you have any additional comments or suggestions about the session(s) you attended?