VCCAR INSTALLATION AND SNEAKER BALLHow would you rate the event overall? How would you rate the event overall?PoorExcellentClear selectionDid the event provide enough options for food and drinks? Did the event provide enough options for food and drinks?YesNoClear selectionIn your opinion, was the event experience a good value for the price of your ticket? In your opinion, was the event experience a good value for the price of your ticket?YesNoClear selectionDid the event offer adequate networking opportunities? Did the event offer adequate networking opportunities?YesNoClear selectionHow likely are you to recommend our events to others? How likely are you to recommend our events to others?Not at all likelyExtremely LikelyClear selectionADDITIONAL FEEDBACK ADDITIONAL FEEDBACKDo you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?Clear selectionRestart